servlet basics
Deployment Descriptor: web.xml
The following is a complete Deployment Descriptor.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- General -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Name the application -->
<display-name>Example App</display-name>
<description>An example application which is used to play with some of the features of Tomcat</description>
<!-- This app is cluster-ready -->
<distributable />
<!-- Set timeout to 120 minutes -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- JSP Configuration -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Note that you can only have one <jsp-config> element per web.xml -->
<!-- Taglib declarations are no longer required since JSP 2.0, see Removing taglib from web.xml -->
<!-- The <taglib> did not need to be a child of <jsp-config> in earlier versions but is required as of Tomcat 7 -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Context Parameters -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<description>Enable debugging for the application</description>
<description>The email address of the administrator, used to send error reports.</description>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Servlets -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Simple Servlet, provide a name, class, description and map to URL /servlet/SimpleServlet -->
<description>This is a simple Hello World servlet</description>
<!-- CMS Servlet, responds to *.cms URL's -->
<!-- Identification -->
<description>This servlet handles requests for the CMS (it is a controller in an MVC architecture)</description>
<!-- This servlet has two parameters -->
<!-- Load this servlet when the application starts (call the init() method of the servlet) -->
<!-- <run-at>0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00</run-at> This tag is only valid for Resin -->
<!-- Map some URLs to the cms servlet (demonstrates *.extension mapping) -->
<!-- For any URL ending in .cms, the cms servlet will be called -->
<!-- Rewriter Servlet, responds to /content/* and /admin/RewriterStatistics URL's -->
<!-- Define a servlet to respond to /content/* URL's -->
<!-- Map some URL's to the rewriter servlet (demonstrates /path/* and specific URL mapping) -->
<!-- For any URL starting with /content/, the rewriter servlet will be called -->
<!-- The rewriter servlet can also be called directly as /admin/RewriterStatistics, to return stats -->
<!-- PathJSP Servlet, maps /shop/item/* URL's to a JSP file -->
<!-- Define a JSP file to respond to /shop/item/* URL's -->
<!-- Map some URL's to the pathjsp servlet (demonstrates /long/path/* URL mapping) -->
<!-- For any URL starting with /shop/item/, the pathjsp servlet will be called -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Filters -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Example filter to set character encoding on each request (from Tomcat servlets-examples context) -->
<filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
<filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
<!-- Example filter to dump the HTTP request at the top of each page (from Tomcat servlets-examples context) -->
<filter-name>Request Dumper Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Request Dumper Filter</filter-name>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Listeners -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Define example application events listeners -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Security -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Define roles -->
<!-- Define a constraint to restrict access to /private/* -->
<display-name>Security constraint for the /private folder</display-name>
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
<!-- If you list http methods, only those methods are protected. -->
<!-- Leave this commented out to protect all access -->
<!-- Only only administrator and CMS editors to access this area -->
<!-- FORM based authentication -->
<!-- Leave this commented out, we will use BASIC (HTTP) authentication instead -->
<!-- This application uses BASIC authentication -->
<realm-name>Editor Login</realm-name>
<!-- Define a constraint to force SSL on all pages in the application -->
<web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Error Handler -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Define an error handler for 404 pages -->
<!-- Define an error handler for java.lang.Throwable -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Extra MIME types -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Set XML mime-mapping so spreadsheets open properly instead of being sent as an octet/stream -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Locale -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Set Locale Encoding -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Welcome Files -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Define, in order of preference, which file to show when no filename is defined in the path -->
<!-- eg: when user goes to or -->
<!-- Defaults are provided in the server-wide web.xml file, such as index.jsp, index.htm -->
<!-- Note: using this tag overrides the defaults, so don't forget to add them here -->
<!-- Use index.swf if present, or splash.jsp, otherwise just look for the normal defaults -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- JNDI Environment Variables -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<env-entry-value>Ms. W. Master</env-entry-value>
<!-- ===========Programmer's virtual name for resource=====================-->
some confusing tags:
ServletContext, ServletConfig
Basically, ServletContext defines a set of methods that a servlet uses to communicate with its servlet container.
There is one context per “web application” per Java Virtual Machine. (A web application” is a collection of servlets and content installed under a specific subset of the server’s URL namespace such as /catalog and possibly installed via a .war file.)
ServletConfig is used to pass parameters to a servlet during initialization.
its methods include:
getInitParameter(String name);
GenericServlet has implemented ServletConfig interface.
thread safe consideration
Generally, a typical servlet lifecyle creates a single instance of a servlet class, but pools multiple threads to handle the service() method.
So the shared resources like instance variables, helpers must be coded in thread-safe manners.
forward vs. redirect
RequestDispatcher.forward(…), Response.sendRedirect(..)
As per what is RequestDespatcher include(), now look at the following test:
public class DispatcherServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("In dispatcherServlet <BR>");
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("Hello.jsp");
rd.include(request, response);
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
Hello page.
Now the output is:
In dispatcherServlet
Hello page
Here we are not hard to know its accurate meaning - including and merging the response content of another servlet, JSP or static resources.
JNDI declaration tags
We usually use for DataSource declaration, but there’re also other JNDI object declarations which can be used in servlet application.
, and
- env-entry - Environment entry, a single-value parameter that can be used to configure how the application will operate. An example here
- resource-ref - Resource reference, which is typically to an object factory for resources such as a JDBC DataSource, a JavaMail Session, or custom object factories configured into Tomcat. An example here
- resource-env-ref - Resource environment reference, a new variation of resource-ref added in Servlet 2.4 that is simpler to configure for resources that do not require authentication information. An examplehere and here.
Environment Entries
For parameter values that may need to change during deployment, it’s better to use environment entries instead, as indicated by the <env-entry>
<description>Send pincode by mail</description>
This is a good way for environment-specific application variables. The type may be a String
, Byte
, Short
, Integer
, Long
, Boolean
, Double
, or Float
(all with their full java.lang
Java code can retrieve the <env-entry>
values using JNDI:
Context initCtx = new InitialContext( );
Boolean mailPincode = (Boolean) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/mailPincode");
Now you could change the variable value in deployment time:
References to External Resource Manager Connection Factories
When the environment entry is a resource factory, there’s a <resource-ref>
tag to use. A factory is an object that creates other objects on demand. A resource factory creates resource objects, such as database connections or message queues.
<!-- JDBC DataSources (java:comp/env/jdbc) -->
<description>The default DS</description>
<!-- JavaMail Connection Factories (java:comp/env/mail) -->
<description>Default Mail</description>
<!-- JMS Connection Factories (java:comp/env/jms) -->
<description>Default QueueFactory</description>
It can have two values: CONTAINER
is specified, the servlet container (the J2EE server) handles authentication before binding the factory to JNDI, using credentials provided by the deployer. If SERVLET
is specified, the servlet must handle authentication duties programmatically.
It’s recommended but not required to place the resource factories under a subcontext that describes the resource type:
for a JDBCjavax.sql.DataSource
for a JMSjavax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
for a JavaMailjavax.mail.Session
References to Administered Objects
<description>This is a reference to a JMS queue</description>
References to EJB Components
<description>Cruise ship cabin</description>